There are plenty of health benefits that come from soy as well as a wealth of vitamins, nutrients, dietary fiber, and especially protein. Soybeans also contain vitamin K, folate, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin B7, and vitamin C. Soy is a great source of organic compounds and antioxidants that will increase the strong impact of soybeans on your diet.
Here are the top ten health benefits of soy and how to get the most from it.
Healthy Weight Gain
Soy products have been associated with appetite suppression, which makes it ideal for diets and weight loss. However, soybeans also provide a substantial about of protein and fiber that can help people lose or gain weight how? Soybeans are useful in improving the lipid profile as well as reduce the levels of serum triglyceride and cholesterol.
Metabolic Boost
Soybeans are extremely rich in protein. This means when you consume enough protein in your body, your overall system, and metabolic function will get a significant boost. Soy proteins are major building blocks of blood vessels and cells as they are essential to the human body. Proteins from soybeans will ensure the overall health and cell regrowth that are needed to be repaired or even replaced.
If you are a vegetarian or follow the vegan lifestyle, it can be difficult to get enough protein in your body without meat. This makes soybeans an excellent replacement for meat-based proteins.
Reduces the Risk of Cancer
The high levels of antioxidants contained in soy are ideal for preventing various cancers. This is due to the neutralizing free radicals by the antioxidants that can cause healthy cells to mutate into cancer cells. The high fiber content also reduces colon and colorectal cancer as fiber helps ease the digestive process and puts less strain on the gastrointestinal system.
Increases Healthy Heart
While soybeans do supply fat, it is not supplying you with saturated fat. Soybeans are a rich source of healthy, unsaturated fat that helps lower your total cholesterol. This will allow you to prevent conditions like atherosclerosis which can lead to strokes and heart attacks. The Fiber contained in soybeans also has been shown to reduce high cholesterol levels by removing excess amounts off arteries and blood vessels.
Improves Digestive Health
Fiber is essential to the body. It is also one of the major benefits of consuming soybean and soy products. Fiber benefits the digestive system by adding bulk to your stool and making to move through the system more smoothly while stimulated peristaltic motion.
Eases Menopause
Menopause can be the most challenging time in a woman’s life. But it doesn’t have to be. Soybeans are a great addition to help ease the major transition. Soybeans are a great source of isoflavones which are essential components of the female reproductive system. As estrogen levels begin to drop during menopause, isoflavones will bind estrogen receptor cells and reduce the dramatic symptoms of menopause.
Promotes Bone Health
Soybeans are rich in vitamin and mineral content. This includes the high levels of calcium, copper, magnesium zinc, and selenium that are vital to the many processes of the body. The essential vitamins and minerals contained in soy are vital for promoting osteotropic activity that will allow new bones to grow and speed up the healing process of broken bones. This can also be a long-term solution for osteoporosis that occurs as the body ages.
Prevents congenital disabilities
The high levels of folic acid and vitamin B complex levels in soybeans are quite impressive and essential to pregnant women. Folic acid will ensure to prevent neural tube defects in babies.
Prevents and Manages Diabetes
Diabetes has been a dreaded disease that’s continued to grow within the past decade. Soybeans have become a proven and efficient method of prevention and management as soybeans have shown the ability to increase insulin receptors in the body. While studies are still new on the relationship of soy and type 2 diabetes, the results are proved to be very promising, particularly in Asia.
Helps Regulate Sleep Disorders
As soybeans have shown to regulate metabolism, they have also been shown to help reduce sleeping disorders and insomnia. Soybeans have high magnesium content as the mineral has been directly linked to increasing the duration, quality, and restfulness of sleep.
While there are plenty of benefits of soybeans, there are also negative health effects when you consume soy in high amounts. Men can develop a hormonal imbalance if consumed in large quantities and lead to sexual dysfunction, low sperm count and increase certain cancers. However, research is still ongoing. Aside from this, soy is a healthy choice for everyone to add to their diet.
With all these proven health benefits, why wouldn’t you want to give soy a try? Comment below and tell us what you think!